Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Third Shift Amber Lager:
Howdy all and a hearty welcome back to the best little beer website that I can manage.  Today let’s look a newcomer in the beer market: Third Shift Amber Lager.  This beer, brewed by the creatively named Band of Brewers...more

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sixpoint Resin:
Howdy friends and a hearty and happy greetings to you all.  Today let us look at not only a canned IPA, but one that brings a smile to a seasoned hop-head’s mug.  I’ve made it no real secret here that I have mixed feelings...more

Wasatch Ghostrider:
Hello friends and neighbors and welcome back to another beer review from your’s truly.  Today let’s take another hop (ha!) over to Utah and look at Wasatch and their ever expanding line of beers and, in particular, their white IPA: Ghostrider. More

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saint Arnold Bishop Barrel No. 2:
Greetings fellow beer drinkers and welcome back to my little attempt to put some order into the beer universe.  Today lets stay in Texas and look at that fun and creative Houston brewery, Saint Arnold and the second entry into their Bishop Barrel line-up. More

Boulevard Smokestack Reverb:
Howdy one and all and welcome back to the best beer website in my zip code (I think).  Today let’s look at a smokestack.  No, not those big sooty things, the Boulevard Smokestack Series of beers...more 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

North Coast Old No. 38 Stout:
Howdy one and all and welcome back to the website for the beer-curious.  Yes friends, today we again further explore the world of beer and, in particular, a beer from North Coast Brewery and their Old No. 38 Stout.  This beer...more

Free State Ironman Imperial Stout:
‘ello loves and welcome back to the greatest little attempt to explain away the world of beer.  Today we revisit that brewery in Kansas and look at their small batch brew: Iron Man Imperial Stout.  This stout, named for a local Lawrence blacksmith...more