Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Paulaner Oktoberfest-Marzen:
Greetings dear readers and welcome back to our little trek through the Land of Chocolate and their little festival called Oktoberfest.  I figured it was high time to get to the class of the bunch, the one that sets the bar for all others to reach and even comes with it’s own Oktoberfest glass stein.  That beer is Paulaner Oktoberfest-Marzen which is a well crafted Marzen beer that is available year-round but is best enjoyed in the season it is named after.  The beer pours a nice dark amber color with good carbonation that results in a dark beige colored head that leaves nice lacing on the inside of the stein along with amble carbonation to keep some foam on top of the beer during consumption.  The beer’s nose is one of roasted malts and sweet raisins which translates nicely to the taste of the beer and it’s uniform palate advancement.  The beers after taste is actually heavier than one would expect with a mix of hops and malts; this is unexpected  since the beer itself is very light in it’s mouth feel.  It’s easy to see how one could drink a whole liter of this (which is the size of this stein) and while a lowly 12 oz bottle looks rather sad in this mug, around 4 of the normal bottles should fill this bad boy up if you were so inclined (or just purchase the seasonal set of the mug and large can of the Oktoberfest-Marzen).  I think this is a beer best enjoyed by everybody at least once, I know that next year this will find it’s way into the beer fridge with a full on six-pack to be enjoyed as the weather turns cooler. 

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