Anchor Brekle's Brown Ale:
Greetings, ah greetings and welcome one and all to the final installment of our review of the Anchor Brewing line-up. Today we look at the 140th anniversary ale, Berkle’s Brown, a beer brewed in the tradition of Anchors German founders. The brew pours a medium dark brown that reminds one of a bock beer, a nice off beige head that’s about two fingers in thickness that leaves some very nice lacing on the glass and a nose of roasted malts with a touch of caramel sweetness. The beer’s taste is a show case in just how many different ways one can taste roasted malts; I personally noticed roasted, burnt, and caramelized malts and I’m sure there are few other adjectives you can use while the single hoped nature of the beer shows up in the utter lack of presence of hops in the beer. The back-end and after taste are both of a burnt sugar flavor that seems to linger a bit to long to be enjoyable in my opinion. A good beer but probably my least favorite in the whole line.
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