Sunday, September 23, 2012

Scotch De Silly:
Hello all and I hope this finds all you well, happy, and enjoying this Oktoberfest season.  As we stroll through the time frame of Oktoberfest we won’t always do a German beer, we actually look at beers from other areas of the world too like Belgium.  Now we all know that Belgian beers are a wide variety of brews that span most of the spectrum of brewing and today we can check-off Scotch Ales from that list.  Scotch De Silly by Brasserie de Silly is the third Scotch Ale to grace this review’s annals and the reputation of this style of beer only builds towards greatness in my mind.  The beer itself pours a dark caramel color with a beige foam head that isn’t very thick or long for this world leaving little lacing on the glass and a nose of malts with caramel and herbal notes.  The beer itself is smooth on the front end with a slight hop bite that moves to a heavier caramel flavor on the mid-tongue that blooms through to the back end of the tongue where it’s cut by a herbal notes. The aftertaste is a ripe fruit flavor that is dry and pleasant with a heavy mouth feel that coats the tongue and the roof of the mouth.  At 7.5% ABV this is a bit heavy for a beer to have at meal time but it is great for after dinner- I wouldn’t drink it before eating either due to the mouth feel and heavy nature of it.  Definitely worth trying if your curious about Scotch Ales or want something different, I wasn’t disappointed and I bet you won’t be either. 

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