Friday, September 21, 2012

Lighthouse Dark Chocolate Porter:
Greetings and welcome one and all and welcome back to another beer review and this time, it’s a road edition!  I know it may seem odd but hey it works, okay?  Today’s brew hails from up North, like really up North,  like Canada, Victoria BC.  Lighthouse Dark Chocolate Porter was released this year and was apparently something that was called for by large masses of Canucks: Dark Chocolate Porter.  Now the good people at Lighthouse use “beyond fair trade” cocoa nibs in their brew so you can feel ethical while drinking and enjoying it.  The beer pours well with a dark brown color similar to Guinness with a nice beige head  that is slightly foamy with a touch of creaminess around the edges of the glass leaving a nice (but brief) lacing and a subtle nose that is similar to the cans of powdered dark cocoa from the store.  The beers taste is initially a weak cocoa flavor on the front end and moves to a nice (and surprising) mix of cocoa and chipotle- minus the heat- on the mid tongue before settling to a clean porter taste on the back-end.  A very light beer for what it is at only 5.5% ABV so it is very consumable year around as well as making a good addition to a chocolate porter shake or float.  Yeah I said it, a beer shake or float- try it sometime.  I dare ya. 

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