Magic Hat Hex:
Greetings all and welcome to the one and only place for my opinion on beers. That’s right, I haven’t sold out; like Consumer Reports I don’t run ads or have sponsor supporting me and my expenses, what you get is the truth and I believe, unlike Col. Nathan R. Jessup, that you can handle the truth. So what beer get’s the cold harsh light of my review today? Magic Hat’s Hex, their own version of an Oktoberfest beer with a fall brew twist on it. The beer pours a clear amber color with an aggressively forming (and retreating) off white head that leaves some nice lacing on the glass and a nose of malts, wood smoke and caramel. The initial taste of the beer is of a normal amber lager but it develops a subtle oak flavor on the mid tongue before allowing the hops to bloom on the back end and in the aftertaste. A good beer and the twist on the Oktoberfest style is a nice change but really does that style need changing? I don’t think so but then again Magic Hat hasn’t really impressed me so far this year and while this is an improvement, I don’t think it’ll make the list of favorites once this run on festival beers is done.
Oh and I am taking applications for sponsorship in case anyone is interested. Gotta make that iPhone money some how.
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