Sunday, September 23, 2012

St. Pauli Girl Special Dark:
Greetings all and welcome to “Another German Beer, Another Day” and today we look at a Munich Dunkel Lager from St. Pauli Girl.  St. Pauli is one of those breweries that is better known for it’s model and labeling than the contents of it’s bottles of beer.  The models started in 1977, all have been blonde save for two in 1989 and 1990, they are usually Playboy Playmates or models of European origin and they have to take an oath of something or another.  So what does all this mean? Basically they are repeating the same marketing strategy that most male oriented products have: throw a pretty girl on it and guys won’t care.  I guess this works because there isn’t much to enjoy about this dark lager.  The beer was drunk from the bottle so no comment on the foam or lacing, color is an amber (not surprising) and a nose that smelled of light malts and hops though it was hard to tell from the neck of the bottle.  The beers taste is very flat on the flavor side with the front end being a light malt with a hop back end and really nothing but a blend in-between.  Yeah, so not really worth it in my opinion, if you want a dark beer, there are countless other option but really everyone is different so who am I to judge?  

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