Friday, June 8, 2012

Coopers Original Pale Ale:
G’Day mates! Welcome to the third and last day of Coopers (for now), and while this is a sad day, there is a lot to be happy about.  We have found a new and awesome stout, sparkling ale is good and then there is the Original Pale Ale.  I have strong reservations about pale ales, so far during the course of this “challenge” I have found pale ales dropping the ball more often than not, really bringing nothing besides mediocre hops and bite to the offering plate of beerdom and really, besides Shiner’s Wild Hare, have been to extreme for most people to really enjoy unless it’s what they know and accept.  Well it’s high time that we make room on the top shelf for another Pale Ale.  Coppers Original Pale Ale is good, really good.  It pours well giving a nice head on the beer that, while small and thin, sticks around on the rim of the glass throughout the beer and gives off a nose of citrus, grass and hops.  The beer taste is clean and very carbonated, very champagne like with tons of carbonation and a bite.  The flavor is hop filled with a note of lemon riding the tongue till the back end of the palette where it, the hops and the carbonation almost vanish into a clean aftertaste that is hardly noticeable.  A good find, a great recommendation (thanks Sarah!) and since it’s available and most World Market stores, it’s easily accessible for most.   

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