Friday, June 22, 2012

Laughing Skull Amber Ale:
Greetings friends and neighbors.  They say laughter is the best medicine and, at times, it can be and if that is the case, does drinking a beer named Laughing Skull mean you are drinking good medicine?  Perhaps that is something for future research by someone else.  For right now, let us talk about this tittering noggin and it’s attributes.  Brewed out of Redbrick Brewery in Atlanta (or is it Hot-lanta?) which was brought back from the brink in early 2008 and subsequently reestablished as a regional brewer.  Laughing Skull was brought back as well and is one of their signature brews.  The beer pours well and even in an ice cold glass the head is small and not too thick with a nice even dissipation once it starts to evaporate.  The nose is one malts with a touch of caramel that wafts in and out of a roasted smell as well.  The beer has a nice malty taste with a bit of sweetness in the middle of sip but really uniform otherwise and doesn’t leave much of an aftertaste.  Is it good?  Yeah, it is, but there is nothing about it that makes it set apart from the other hundreds of medium bodied ales out there.  Sadly, I’m seeing this as just another check mark on the list and now it’s onto another beer. 

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