Saturday, June 30, 2012

Rascal's Wild Red:
Hello all and welcome to a shift outside normal.  Sweet lagers aren’t that uncommon, hell, look at the malt liquor section of any corner store and you’ll see what I mean.  However, there are some sweet lagers that have moved beyond the convenience store cooler and into the beer section of your local grocery store/package store and they have carved out a small niche in the market.   Most popular is the Anheuser Busch’s fruit based lagers, in particular the dark red colored Rascal’s Wild Red.  Made with raspberry this beer is an interesting one to review.  The lager pours well with only a slight head on it that dissipates very quickly.  The nose is very sweet, bringing back childhood memories of sugary powdered drinks made from a cartoon character that busted through walls.  The lager drinks like a mix of beer and the aforementioned powder with lots of carbonation and a mild hop under taste.  The raspberries cut in and out of the taste while the sweetness is constantly there.  It’s different, not good or bad, just different, maybe it’s the reminders of those childhood drinks, or the over carbonation that don’t sit well with me, but it’s another check mark on the list and time to move on.  

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