Landshark Lager:
Greetings one and all and welcome to the shores of Margaritaville, that little “paradise” of sand, sun, trees, grass skirts and, ugh, Jimmy Buffett. Okay, lets clear this up, I think the man makes fun songs and throws a decent concert but damn, every single melody sounds the same. It does! Listen to a best of CD of him and tell me that the vast majority of those songs aren’t the same ones with the addition/subtraction of an instrument and the speed of the beat. Alright now that I’ve probably managed to upset a lot of y’all, let me try to redeem myself with talking about Landshark Lager, the official beer of Margaretville (I remember when it was Corona but that’s reserved for my forth coming nostalgia column). The beer pours okay with a light thin head that disappears very quickly and leaves just a hint of foam around the interior edges. The nose is strong of smooth malts and very similar to most lagers and doesn’t really impress. The taste is almost the same as Budweiser with a sweetness on the front-end with almost no aftertaste to speak of save for a bit of dryness. So, a really oh hum lager that doesn’t do much to set itself apart from the usual suspects and unless on special somewhere, I don’t envision ever drink this on purpose.
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