Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pyramid Apricot Ale:
Greetings one and all, here is to hoping that this beer and it’s review find all of you happy, healthy and, hopefully, wealthy (to all those which the last adjective apply, we need to chat about grants and giving to your local beer reviewer).  For today’s brew, I wanted to revisit a beer that first got my attention during the Big Texas Beer Fest back in April.  Pyramid was doing a good job of staying under my radar up until that faithful day in April and then I ran across their table (or ran into) during that wonderful drinking adventure and discovered their Apricot Ale.  Now apparently I’ve been living in a cave on this one since pretty much everyone but me knew of this beer so, with egg on my face, I’ve finally decided to bring it you in my own way: a review.  Brewed out Seattle, this beer pours a nice hazy gold color, indicative of the beers flavoring and forth coming taste.  There wasn’t much of a head to speak of, it dissipated before I could get the camera out but there is a nice aroma wafting from the tulip glass. The smell reminded me more of dried apricots than fresh- come to think of it, I’m not really sure if I’ve really smelled a fresh apricot, something to work on in the future.  The taste highlights the namesake very well and, unlike Dogfish Head’s Aprihop which takes the Apricot makes it a subtle flavor, Pyramid makes the Apricot front and center of the flavor profile.  The taste is very uniform heavy on the apricot and a touch of hops (almost completely opposite of the Aprihop) and there is a bit of carbonation burn on the back-end of the sip.  A really good beer, it’s available year around and should make a good spring beer for sure, though I think it’s flavor profile is a bit sweet for a summer beer (for me at least) but it’s a free country so feel free to make up your own mind.  Till tomorrow, same bat time….

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