Sunday, June 24, 2012

Young's Double Chocolate Stout:
Greetings a salutations friends and welcome to another day of beer reviews.  If there is one thing to get someone interested in drinking your beer: add an “exotic” ingredient.  While these can range from the mundane to the interesting to the down right “what the…?”.  Probably the most widely used ingredients (or at least mention in flavor profile) is chocolate which is a flavor that  shows up most often in your darker beers like porters and stouts.  Today’s beer, Young’s Double Chocolate Stout is one such beer that not only claims chocolate in their beer but DOUBLE chocolate which means that this must be a beer like no other.  I envisioned a can of beer born of a breeding program using chocolate milk and a good smooth stout.  Well, I got something like that but not quiet living up to my expectations.  The beer pours very Guinness like with a silk like flow and a good thick creamy head and a bit of the carbonation that Guinness is known for (to be fair the bubbles lasted about 15-20 seconds before totally vanishing).  The nose is very minimal with just hints of chocolate and coffee.  The front-end of the flavor profile is very smooth coffee like with touches of cream and the taste moves to a more heavy coffee flavor mid tongue and the finish is nice with a touch of coca but nothing that isn’t in other dark beers.  So where is the chocolate? It’s there, but it wasn’t noticed until well after finishing my first couple of sips of the glass.  I took note of chocolate when I exhaled through my nose which seems to stir up the coca in the beer and, well, there it is.  Yeah, kind of buzz kill for me too.  Well, that itch has been scratched, now onto another beer. 

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