Breckenridge SummerBright Ale:
Howdy all and welcome to another beer, another day. Today I’m left scratching my head at the decisions that some breweries make after sampling Breckenridge Brewery’s summer beer: SummerBright. SummerBright bills itself as a ideal summer beer to be enjoyed in various locales like poolside, sprinkler side or on the front porch and really, after tasting it, I can’t see myself enjoying this anywhere…anytime. The description on the can should have given away what was to come; the very fist line of description called this a “malt beverage” (major question mark right there) followed by “brewed with orange and lemon peels”. Yeah, that kind of salvaged it for me from my initial doubt but, as you’ll find out, it was a short lived revival. The brew pours well with a thin but even bright white head that dissipates rather quickly and leaves remnants on the surface of the beer and a nose of breads and malts. The taste is…well, the taste is basically what the whole month of April was about: malt beverages. This beer tasted overwhelmingly like the vast majority of malt brews from that foolish month and the lemon and orange peel only really came through in small spurts that were hardly noticeable. Yeah, I hate to say this but I’ve had this beer (malt) before and it wasn’t good then either (at least April was cheaper by the bottle). Such a sad second stop on my dip into the Breck brews, but I know from experience they will get better from here, it has too.
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