Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dogfish Head Festina Peche:
Hello all and welcome back to the place for your beer information and culture (what little I can provide).  Today we venture down from the Empire State to the First State, Delaware and where do we go when we are in Delaware boys and girls?  That’s right, Dogfish Head!  No it’s not a town you silly newcomers, it’s a brewery- a great brewery at that- and today we look at this years summer offering: Festina Peche.  This “neo-Berliner Weisse” (a tart wheat beer) is fermented with peaches and sports a light 4.5% ABV.  The beer pours a white gold color with a nice head that is about half a finger’s in thickness and nice bit of carbonation that is mellow and not overpowering.  The nose is full of floral and yeast notes with a peach smell that is more remnant of a white peach then the traditional yellow peach.  The initial taste is very tart and sweet almost akin to a Riesling wine than a beer and the traces of peach start to show up in mid tongue and moves with the tartness into the after taste which is very dry and mellow.  Honestly, I didn’t think I was going to like this beer that much but once again, the Fish people have come through and made a beer that not only is more wine like then beer but is highly drinkable.  This can easily be consumed on a nice warm sticky Southern evening with friends, pets, and bugs.  There are always bugs. 

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