Monday, August 6, 2012

Red Hook Tripel Belgium Ale:
Hello all, and greetings from the road and the joys of drinking in the hotel room (oh fun).  Today, we look at a limited release from the crew over at Red Hook, Triple Belgium Ale.  Red Hook had released a series of these beers sometime in 2009, meaning this beer has had a good three years to age, and probably up the bottles stated 10.2% ABV.  Well here is what I do know, it’s good, a bit too fruity for me but that’s not much of complaint.  It pours well, really well actually with about a half a fingers worth of head that is thick and creamy and sticks around through the whole beer consumption.  The nose is of overly ripened fruit and honey with a touch of malts.  The taste is creamy with honey and alcohol, lots of alcohol which is what makes this beer dangerous, if you like this beer’s flavor, you’ll drink it down fast (that whole sweet thing) and the high ABV will do a lot of damage to the uninitiated drinker.  Another good Belgium, especially those lovers of sweeter beers, just not me. 

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