Dogfish Head Tweason'ale:
Greetings friends and welcome back to “What did he drink today?” In today’s continuing saga we once again revisit the good folks up in Dogfish Head Brewery with their between season beer: Tweason’ale. Brewed during those off months of seasonal beer (which is actually a nice idea) the beer is released in January, February, May, August and December. The beer is actually a unique one, taking out the normal barley base and using sorghum. So how does it taste? Read on dear reader, read on. The beer pours well with a nice red hued amber color and a light and fizzy head on the beer. The nose is very sweet smelling with hints of strawberry and peaches and a hint ethereal alcohol. The beer taste is very uniform, tasting more like a carbonated white zinfandel then a beer but is a bit drier on the back-end then what I remember a white zin tasting like in the past. I was really concerned going into this beer that it was going to be very sweet and well, you know my feelings on sweet beer but surprisingly, it wasn’t that bad, just a mild sweetness and much of that is a natural sweetness then an overly sugared. So, bottom line, another home run for Dogfish and- here’s the best part- it’s available here in Texas! Huzzah! This is a beer that would appeal to the fairer sex but it has it’s merits as summer beer as well so, guys, don’t outright dismiss it before trying it.
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