Monday, August 20, 2012

Saint Arnold Weedwacker:
Greetings all, and welcome back to your source for beer information.  Today, after a tour around the country, we come back home to Texas and to Saint Arnolds, a true Texas original that is starting to find it’s footing in the limited/seasonal brew market while their year round line is average to slightly memorable at best.  Today’s brew, Weedwacker, is part of their lawn maintenance line (?) and is a Bavarian hefeweizen  brewed with yeast of the same name.  The beer pours well with a hazy golden color and a fluffy bright white head that is lumpy and reduces down to a almost even layer of white on the top of the beer.  The nose is strong combo of grain and bananas and the carbonation on the beer is minimum but still noticeable.  The initial sip of beer brings a bitter banana flavor that moves into a wheat flavor that is just a hair above mild and the initial banana flavor- though not bitter this time- comes back on the back-end and after taste of the beer.  A nice summer beer, very refreshing and light, and would be a nice welcome addition to next summer’s beer rotation. 

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