Stone Pale Ale:
Greetings and salutations one and all. Today we get to sample a very self-righteous beer and, like Usain Bolt, it backs up it’s own claims of awesomeness. Stone brews are some of the better beers out there and they really don’t stray to far from the norm and that’s refreshing in some ways, not having to rely on gimmick beers to get their name out there. Today’s beer is their pale ale and it drinks more like a mild IPA then a pale ale. The beer pours well with a nice amber color, good carbonation and very thin head that sticks around for most of the beer consumption. The nose is a nice grapefruit and malt scent that has a touch of skunk hops but noting serious or overwhelming. The taste is initially sour like a traditional grapefruit but quickly adds the sour bite of hops that is usually found in a pale ale but not as strong as an IPA. The beer has a very light mouth feel that isn’t dry but not heavy as some pale ales which makes it very drinkable in the summer time. A great beer, but us unworthy ones knew this going in, didn’t we?
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