Friday, February 15, 2013

Clown Shoes Let My People Go:
Greetings cats and kittens and welcome back.  So what is your favorite Charlton Heston movie?  I know a lot of people say “Planet of the Apes” or maybe “Ben-Hur” but for me, it’s “The Ten Commandments” and, in case you were wondering, his short little cameo in “True Lies“ is a distant second for me.  I still look forward to every Easter and the playing of that epic on TV and enjoying the size, scope, and amazement of it’s special effects (for the time) and it‘s portrayal of that time period as well as it‘s treatment of the subject material.  So when one comes across a beer that pulls it’s name from one of the best lines in that movie, I was a sucker to try it (much like the whole dinosaurs on the label issue).   Clown Shoes brewing has made an English pale ale called Let My People Go, which purportedly will allow to you lead your real or imagined people out from the yoke of oppression and into two decades of wandering.  The beer was poured from a tap with a hazy gold color with a nice thick foamy white head and a nose of malts, some floral hops and bread.  The beer’s initial taste is very malt like with a thick bread flavor that rolls to the mid tongue with some growing citrus hop bite that full blooms in the back end and aftertaste to a grassy and floral hop profile.  A good ale, one that is great for those looking to stay in the hop realm but to expand their tastes and horizons.  Easily available and most stores that carry craft brews, this is a great summer beer for those warm evenings in the shade. 

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