Thursday, February 7, 2013

Goose Island India Pale Ale:
Howdy all and welcome back to a review that once again shines a spot light at a lone beer on the stage of life.  Today we look at a newcomer to the great state of Texas, Goose Island, and while their beers are not unfamiliar to me, it maybe new to you so let’s look at one of their staples: India Pale Ale.  The beer was poured from a tap with a nice clear golden color and a thin white head of foam that leaves some lacing but nothing spectacular and a nose that intertwines grapefruit and other citrus notes.  The beer’s initial taste is a mild hop bite that grows on the mid tongue to a spice bite but the hops come back to dominate the back end and really dominate skunk takes of the aftertaste.  This is a nice middle of the road IPA, it does not break any new ground nor does it lurk in the shadows with other run of the mill mass produced IPAs.  The beer is probably best suited for those who are seasoned in other beer types but are looking to expand their palate.  This beer can satisfy a hophead’s need to scratch that hop itch (not contagious, promise) but also be mild enough not to scare off any newbie. 

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