Monday, February 11, 2013

Tallgrass IPA:
Howdy everyone and welcome to the mad cap hour of beer reviews.  Today let‘s once again take a journey to the heartland of this great country and look at Tallgrass and their tallboy of IPA (or Tallgrass IPA if you prefer).  This beer was the third release in the Tallgrass family of brews but was the first home brew batch in the path to become that great little Kansas brewery.  The beer pours a nice cloudy orange color with a so-so layer of foam that leaves good lacing and a nose of thick pine resin and bready malts.  The beer’s taste profile is much like most IPAs, filled with a sour citrus note that carries from front end to back but it is cut by a bready malt taste that seems to tone down the citrus, which isn’t something I really want in my IPA.  Probably my least favorite in the line-up of Tallgrass beers, it does have a place for people who like want to enter in to the IPA world with something lacking the strong hop bite but still want to experience that wonderful pine resin flavor.  Not a bad beer by any means but, in my opinion, the addition of malts dilute what makes us all hop heads in our own little way, but to each their own and more power to each and every single one them 

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