Real Ale Brewers' Cut Signature Hop Pale Ale:
Greetings friends and neighbors and welcome back to my attempt to spread the good word about Texas beers. Today let’s head back down to Blanco and look at Real Ale and their new endeavor Brewers’ Cut which is a series of research beers that have a limited run in the market place only to, maybe, emerge once again as a permanent beer in the line-up of regular beers as a year-round or seasonal. Today let’s look at their first entry into this line up: Signature Hop Pale Ale. This beer, made with an intimidating named hop, Hercules, which is born in Germany and carries high acidic value as well as amped up flavors. The beer pours a good hazy golden orange with a bone white head of foam that leaves good lacing and a nose of citrus with strong acidic undertones. The beer’s initial taste is similar to a good pale ale with subtle notes of hops and citrus that intertwine between each other while the mid tongue develops a surprisingly toned down hop but a growing sour taste that grows to dominate the back end of the beer and leave an aftertaste that is straight out of a good bottle of IPA beer. Not a bad start to an experimental series of beers, though I have to admit I’ve looked at the other Brewer’s Cut beers that I have in waiting and they have me more excited than this beer but I’ll pace myself this month with them. Maybe.
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