Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Real Ale Shade Grown Coffee Porter:
Howdy sports fans and welcome back to our short little jaunt through the best brewery in Blanco: Real Ale brewery.  Today lets look at one of their winter selections, Shade Grown Coffee Porter which is a beer made with Katz Coffee (a fair trade coffee for those who need to know).  The beer pours a midnight black with only a subtle head of brown foam that quickly dissipates and leaves no lacing and a nose of subtle coffee notes and roasted malts.  The beer’s initial taste is similar to most porters with an initially silky smooth taste that blooms to a good balanced flavor of roasted malts and coffee dance along the back tongue and an aftertaste that is more on the roasted malts side than the coffee.  Of all the coffee porters out there, this one has become one of my favorites since the coffee notes are not over done and, most importantly, don’t ruin the beer’s gracefully exit from your palate.

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