Yeastie Boys Rex Attitude:
Howdy one and all and welcome to a beer review where we cross an ocean to get a beer and then bring it back and review it. Okay, I didn’t do all that traveling, someone imported it but I’m glad they did and now I got a chance to drink it and now I bring it to you. First, full disclosure, I bought this beer because of two reasons: 1) It’s called Yeastie Boys which, I hope, is an awesome homage to The Beastie Boys (and if you don’t love them, you need to get yourself checked) and 2) it’s got a dinosaur on the label which means this is an awesome beer regardless of the contents. This New Zealand beer from the future (they claim to have been founded in 2015 then traveled back in time with their recipes) is billed as “the world’s first heavily-peated single malt ale” by the boys and that peat flavor comes through in droves but more on that in a minute. The beer pours a nice clear golden color with a thick bone white foamy head that never really settles in the glass, leaving tons of lacing and a nose of smoky scotch malts. The beer’s taste is very uniform but make no mistake, it’s delicious. The taste is a strong silky smooth flavor that, if you don’t know what you’re getting into when drinking it, it’s a shock but quickly grows on you. Now, if you were not a fan of Shiner’s Smokehouse beer from a few summers ago, this isn’t the beer for you but if you even found it the least bit interesting, this beer is one you should look into. I’m not too sure what it’s exact distribution area is- I got mine in Louisiana- but if there was ever a beer made for Texas summer barbeque, this is it. Oh and it’s got a dinosaur on the label.
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