Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lagunitas Little Sumpin' Wild Ale:
Greetings and salutations friends and welcome back to my attempt to wrangle a beer from the great herd of beers and serve it up to you, my faithful readers.  Today let’s jump back to California and Lagunitas and look at a high-gravity take on their beer A Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’, this one called A Little Sumpin’ Wild.  Now after by experience with high gravity beers in April of 2012 (a month that will live in infamy) I would of shied away from this beer like a cat from water but I didn’t know and thus drank the beer , survived and now I bring it to you.  The beer pours a nice cloudy orange color with a bubbly foamed head that leaves really nice lacing and a nose of sour citrus and bready malts.  The beer’s initial taste is actually very malt heavy with a thick bread flavor that begins to share the palate with a growing sour citrus hop flavor that will eventually push out the malts altogether on the back-end and leave the aftertaste with a nice well rounded skunk taste.  A surprisingly good beer, especially since it has that whole high gravity thing working for it, I think I prefer this over the Sumpin’ Sumpin’ but really they are both good beers so which ever is available will be fine with me. 

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