Saturday, May 19, 2012

Brooklyn Brown Ale:
Hello all, and welcome back to “Another Day, Another Beer”.  Today, we transport ourselves North to New York, specifically, Brooklyn and have a gander at Brooklyn Brewery’s Brown Ale.  Per the marketing for this bottle, it is supposed to be a combo of northern English ales (strong and dry) and southern English ales (sweet and mild) with a touch of American style (hops and roasted malts).  All three-flavor profiles are easily found in the beer while drinking it.  Sitting at 5.6% ABV, this is middle of the road for a dark ale and the alcohol content isn’t that noticeable so it’s easily consumed.  The beer pours thick with a large foamy head that, if not watched, can spill over on you while pouring.  The nose is strong with roasted malts and chocolate and a hint of coffee was noted as well.  The beer taste profile is complex: first, the initial taste is strong roasted malts with an undefined sweetness that moves to a dry hop on the back-end but mellows out to a finish and aftertaste much like a Guinness would.  Very surprising to me actually, I wasn’t expecting something so rich and complicated to greet me today.  Nice.  Not a summer beer though due to the heaviness on the palate. Though adding this to those infamous chocolate shakes would be nice.  Maybe there is a use for it here in Texas’ summer months after all. 

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