Saturday, May 26, 2012

Full Sail Session Black:
Good day all, and welcome to the second to last day of short beer week.  Today, I think I’ve found the second shortest beer of this week, but it’s just as tasty none the less. This beer is another Beerfest find and I’ve been looking forward to sampling it ever since (it‘s got 7 gold medals!).   Full Sail’s Session Black Lager is one of those beers that gets over looked by those not-in-the-know of it’s awesomeness and delicious nature.  As far as I know, this beer only comes in twelve packs in small compact white cardboard boxes that just sport the Sessions logo.  The beer pours well, giving off a small thin head, nothing that can really register in a picture (especially by this novice) and it has a subtle nose of hops, floral things and chocolate all mix together to give a uniquely original nose that isn’t found around to often.   The taste is pretty uniform throughout tasting of equal parts a dry chocolate and malts and it produces a very neutral and mellow aftertaste.  This beer should be sampled by all for a two reasons,: 1) it’s delicious, light and refreshing, 2) it’s very reasonably priced.  Central Market has it for around $14 a twelve pack and I’m sure one of the HUNDREDS of Wine and Spirit stores in the area will have this as well for around the same price point.  This will definitely be another stable in the beer fridge…once there is room. 

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