Thursday, May 17, 2012

Oskar Blues' Mama's Little Yella Pils:
Hello friends and neighbors and welcome to day 2 of my Rolling Stones venture in beer.  Yesterday we explored the a beer named after one of the most popular Stones’ tunes and today, we taste a little gem that I discovered a few weeks back and put two and two together on it’s name origin.  Mama’s Little Little Yella Pils is Oskar Blues answer to the traditional pilsner that has become a shadow of it’s former self thanks to the usual suspects.  The beer pours well, giving a small but stable head on a very yellow beer.  The nose is one of malts and bread and a bit of banana.  The taste is different, the use of malts is very noticeable when drinking this beer.  The initial taste is one of bread with a bit of hops that quickly disappear to a hop aurora that lingers throughout the mouth, leaving little room for a backend taste.  Not a bad beer, but not my cup of tea so to speak, I’ve never been a fan of pilsners in the first place (though Polestar is very good) and really, once is enough for me on this one.  Till tomorrow folks, adios.  What?  The Stones’ song it’s named after?  Oh right, forgot.  It’s “Mother’s Little Helper” off the “Through The Past, Darkly” album.  It’s mentioned once in the first part of the song, it’s worth YouTubeing (is that a word?).  A great song, very under appreciated.  There you go, new beer, new song.  A win-win for all. 

What a drag it is getting old
Kids are different today,
I hear every mother say
Mother needs something today to calm her down
And though she’s not really ill
There’s a little yellow pill
She goes running for the shelter of a mothers little helper
And it helps her on her way, gets her through her busy day

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