Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tin Roof Voodoo Bengal Pale Ale:

Greetings and salutations from the road dear hearts! Today, lets bring an exclusive of Southern Louisiana beer to the doorstep of the world. Back in March I tried Tin Roof’s Perfect Tin and it was…underwhelming, pretty bland in fact. But I’m not one to complain nor judge a brewery by one beer so, lets try a fun one, in particular Voodoo Bengal Pale Ale (how can you not try that??). Right now it’s only available on tap so I can’t comment on the pour but I did watch that the beer does form a light foamy head that slowly dissipates to a ring around the glass. The nose is one of caramel malts that actually smell equally floral and sour, my interest was peaked. The taste is very nice with the front end being one of caramel and thick (malts man, they do it every time) but that quickly vanishes to a more traditional pale ale flavor notes of bitterness and bite. The back end of the taste is surprising with notes of sweetness and a bit of skunk. A good beer and per the website, it’s bound for the can and I will be buying a sixer my next roll through our friendly neighbors to the East.

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