Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lone Star Light:
So when in Rome, do as the Romans do.  Right?  Well I’ll assume all of y’all are nodding “yes” so I will move forward.  Today’s beer is brought to you by the Dixie Chicken in Aggie Land (that’s College Station for those of you outside of Texas) and is the light beer of “The Official Beer of Texas”  of “The National Beer of Texas” Lone Star.  Distributed here only in Texas, we are told we should feel special; award wining and brewed with chosen grain and hops, this beer is designed to make 49 other states jealous but I doubt that’s happening anytime soon.  Lone Star Light is brewed in several locations including my current home town Fort Worth by Pabst.  A quick side note, Pabst brewing was at Beer Fest a few weeks ago, pouring PBR, Lone Star and Lone Star Light.  I ran across them about an hour and a half into my time there and the reps stood by themselves, disheveled, lonely and all around bored.  I got a sample of Lone Star from them just to give them something to do and they didn’t even crack a smile, eye contact or even stamp my card for the pour.  Well, after tasting Lone Star Light, I can’t blame them.  A very “oh hum” beer that really fails to excite the palette, the nose or the imagination, it is a true light beer in the strictest sense.  While I haven’t gotten around to the regular Lone Star, I can only imagine that it’s got more flavor than this bottle of sparkling water.  I saw a Pearl Beer sign there as well but I didn’t want to chance two bad beers in a row so I opted to finishing my beer while watching a bunch of corps members dunk their rings in giant beer mugs and then guzzle it down so they could wear it with drunken pride.  Yeah, excitement thy name is not insurance road trips. 

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