Monday, May 7, 2012

Saint Arnold's Endeavour:
Evening ladies and germs, today we celebrate the end of an era. With today’s beer, we mark the end of the NASA space program as we know it and whom better to handle that commemoration than a Houston Brewery, specifically, Saint Arnold’s Brewery. Texas’ oldest craft beer brewer has given us a wonderful double IPA affectionately called Endeavor. This IPA was a risk I took in trying so soon after the other worldly 120 on May 1 but I decided that if this developed beer needed to hold it’s own against the standard bearer of the category ASAP (also Endeavor won a silver medal in the IPA section the world beer challenge this week so that’s saying something right there). The beer starts with a good pour into an oversized beer glass and develops a nice thick head almost immediately that sticks around for a long time, achieving two fingers in thickness before settling to about a third of an inch during consumption. The nose is of fruits, specifically of citrus. S.A. states that this nose transforms into peaches though I didn’t get that vibe, just a strong grape fruit smell that all really good IPA’s should have. The taste is a complex one, starting off very smooth and cream like but that quickly gives way to hops. Lots of hops but not enough to bring into the skunk category, just enough to add a serious bite. The aftertaste is a dry hoppy grain taste that dose linger a bit so unless your date likes the smell of hops on your breath, drink a glass of water. Per the website, S.A. recommends serving 45 degrees and up and while my accommodations prior to this drink out were set with keeping the beer at 45 degrees and cant b allowed to mature. I think I’ll grab a few more bottles and store them somewhere till the time is right, Time not only heals wounds, it makes for god theater. Till tomorrow.

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