Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hello cats and kittens, and welcomes to another installment of beer.  Today we explore another Texas only beer, this one, brewed by Anheuser-Busch and is their answer to Shiner Bock, Ziegenbock. A beer brewed “for Texans by Texans” this beer is actually brewed here in Texas at the Anheuser-Busch in Houston and marketed by their ICS arm (Import-Craft-Specialty) which includes Goose Island, Rolling Rock and Red Hook among others.  The beer was drunk at Applebee’s which serves a normal pint at $1.80 which is almost as cheap as buying a single and taste better than a bottle.  Personally this was my beer of choice when I first got to college and enjoyed it till trying Shiner and putting myself in their camp from then on. The nose of the beer is one of caramel malts and grains and is light to medium on the carbonation.  The taste is subtle with the same caramel malt nose moving through the whole tasting.  The back end is very light and doesn’t linger too much and keeps just enough a hint to remind you of what you just had.  Not a bad beer, Ziegenboch is light on ABV (4%) like Shiner (4.4%) and just like Shiner Bock, doesn’t conform to the German BJCP laws for bocks, but who cares, it’s a good beer and it can be had relatively inexpensively.  Not a bad combo.

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