Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ass Kisser Vanilla Pale Ale:
Oh vanilla, what a bad rap you get.  You’re used as an  adjective for plain and boring and you get over looked as an ice cream flavor (though Amy’s Mexican Vanilla is pretty awesome). Yet, the good people at Ass Kisser have added it to a pale ale and you get a delicious beer that combines sweet and hoppy in the same glass.  The beer actually comes in a 12 oz bottle size (no more over-sized bottles for them, now just 4-packs) and pours well with a thin, watery head that doesn’t stick around but does give some nice lacing to your pint glass.  The nose is predominately vanilla with a touch of malts as well which made me skeptical on the hop level in this beer, but my first sip showed I was wrong in my skepticism.  A sweet front end moves to slightly mellowed realm with an increasing hopiness and the vanilla stays throughout and is really present in the aftertaste.  At 5.5% ABV, this beer isn’t too heavy and is easily enjoyed on a summer’s day with a bowl of ice cream (I suggest chocolate or vanilla variety).  I’m not a big sweet alcoholic beverage person but I do enjoy a semi-sweet one every once and a while and this beer would certainly be at the top of my list as one to enjoy on those rare occasions.  

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