Maui Brewing CoCoNut PorTeR:
Is there a more dividing fruit then coconut? Well, if you want to get technical it’s really a drupe but the very definition of one is “a fruit with a hard stony covering enclosing the seed”, so lets keep it on the K.I.S.S. level and call it a fruit. Personally, I love the flavor coconuts provide, the water and oil are both delicious but the flesh of the fruit is another story. It’s fibrous, chewy, bland and not worth the effort in my mind, though I have learned to like dried shavings of it in trail mix. So what about in a coconut beer? Interesting, but a tight rope to walk that maybe a bit too much or too little. Maui Brewing’s CoCoNuT porter is one that, thankfully, doesn’t go over board and gives us a tasty porter that while good, isn’t one that I find myself wanting again for a while. Coming only in a can, the beer pours to a nice thin head that doesn’t thicken much like most porters, leaves a nice lacing though, and gives a nose of coffee and coconut. A sip of the beer reviles a roasted coffee taste with chocolate that moves lets the coconut flavor come out on the back of the tongue and leaves an subtle aftertaste of the beer’s namesake. Like I said before, a good beer, just not one that I’m too impressed with, the idea does, but the taste not so much. For those coconut lovers this will probably thrill you all so give it a shot, you might find yourself liking this more than I. What? Oh, of course. Hello All.
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