Thursday, July 26, 2012

Brooklyn Lager:
What is the typical Brooklyn greeting?  Yo?  Was up?  Get outta here!(?) Hmmm not sure, I do know this, they make a decent beer, that’s for sure.  Hello one and all and welcome again to beer review time where today we will be looking at Brooklyn Brewery’s Lager beer.  A beer made in the “Vienna” style,  it is like most lager beers with a dark blonde color, a sweet nose and…well that’s about the end of the similarities (that’s a good thing by the way).  The beer pours rather well, as you can see by the decent head that is about a fingers worth in thickness and still lingers on top of the beer with a lace like appearance with minimal lacing on the glass.  The nose is sweet with hints of honey and citrus notes and no real noticeable hops or malts.  The beer itself tastes similar to most lagers with a dry taste that mixes both hops and malts evenly and a touch of bitterness.  Not a bad summer beer, would make a great river beer for those summer days of tubing.  Definitely worth a try

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