Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Santa Fe Nut Brown Ale:
Greetings and salutations my good friends, I hope this beer review finds you in good spirits.  See what I did there…spirits…alcohol…maybe? Anyone? *Sigh* Well after that, bomb, let’s move on to the beer: Santa Fe Nut Brown Ale.  Not a bad beer, it is my first New Mexico beer (that I know of) and while it doesn’t disappoint, it doesn’t really set itself apart in my mind’s eye.   The beer pours so-so with a thin off white head that dissipates rather quickly and doesn’t leave much lacing on the glass.  The nose is nutty with roasted malts and a touch of caramel.  The first sip reveals a sweet bite with a bit of roasted nut flavor that seems to blossom around the middle of the tongue and leaves a roasted malt finish.  The beer is fashioned after English Brown Ale and it is very comparable to the ones that I have had in the past with a but I don’t remember them being this nutty.  A good middle of the road beer that won’t offend most beer drinkers and can add a bit of variety to the average beer fridge. 

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