Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tallgrass 8-Bit Pale Ale:
Ah, greetings fellow beer drinkers (and video game lovers) and welcome to a rare review.  What’s so rare about it you ask?  Simple, it’s a gimmick beer that is actually is good, really good.  Tallgrass 8-Bit Pale Ale is a delicious and nicely rounded beer that should be more widely available.  The beer, courteously of someone’s visit to the land of Jayhawks, Wildcats and Chiefs, the beer has been endorsed by geek and video game magazines a like for it’s great taste as well as it’s cleaver can design.  The beer pours well with a thick white head that emits almost no smell at all while the beer itself is a cloudy golden color with an abundance of carbonation.  After the head works itself down, the nose comes out as a lemon and grass smell with notes of hops and a bit of bread.  The taste is very smooth full of hops and a touch of lemon and no real notice of the carbonation that was so noticeable in the glass.  There is a slight hint of sweetness and malts on the front end of the beer with a mid-tongue of just hops and a dry-ish hop flavor on the back-end and aftertaste.  This is a really good pale ale which is saying something since most pale ale’s I’ve tried so far this year have been so-so and not memorable.  Don’t think this is available outside Kansas but if it is, grab a can, you won’t be disappointed.  

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