Goose Island Sofie:
Ah, hello all, and welcome to a beer review for those champagne lovers in the audience. Today’s beer is another vintage brew from Goose Island and another one named after a fair lady (there are 5 in all) and this one, another Belgian ale, is billed as a Farmhouse ale (Saison) and it does strike the drinker as a light, sparkling and tasty beer. The beer is a brewed with orange peels and then stored in wine barrels for a period of time giving it a bit more taste profile than the normal wheat beers that comprise most farmhouse ales. The beer pours very well with a light and airy head that is about two fingers in thickness that reduces back to a paper thin coating that never really leaves the beer. The nose is a dry citrus smell with notes of grapes and hops. The taste is initially one of a wheat beer with a bread like flavor initially and then it moves to allowing citrus, in particular lemon, in to the flavor profile. The back-end flavor is very dry, champagne like and the carbonation stays on the tongue a bit after the sip is done. Another beer for wine lovers, this one aiming more at the white wine and champagne crowd, it’s good and not as polarizing as other Goose vintage lines- at least I don’t think it will be.
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