Saturday, July 28, 2012

Goose Island Matilda:
Hello there one and all, welcome to a special day of beer reviewing. What makes today’s beer so special is it’s lack of availability here in the south, or anywhere outside Chicago, and it’s a delicious brew.  Goose Island is a good brewer that makes either really good beers or so-so beers which are still drinkable in their own right.  Today’s beer is Matilda, a Belgian style ale that, in the true spirit of most Belgian beers, is very complex and fruity in it’s nature and is enjoyable.  The beer pours well with a hazy golden color and a decent head about half a finger in thickness and sticks around in a little rim on the inside of the glass and very little lacing.  The nose is fruity with caramel notes with a bit of flat…dryness? It’s hard to describe but it smells dry, or at least the aroma evokes a thought of dryness, weird I know.  The taste is of  more ripened fruit, almost to the point of spoil along with bread and a touch of lemon with strong hop notes in the back end of the beer.  Very enjoyable, something to be enjoyed every once and a great while but too strong to justify a four or six pack purchase.  The beer is marketed as a beer for both beer and wine lovers and I can see how drinkers of the more mature and complex red wines out there would find this beer up to their palates standards and, if you ever have to opportunity to try this beer, I suggest to give it a chance with your palate as well. 

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