Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wild Blue:
Hello blue, nice to meet you. (I’m a poet and didn’t know it!) Sweet “beers”, how should we feel about them?  The mere concept of a sweet “beer” doesn’t really sit well with me, beers should be savory, biting, thick, thin, ethereal, or even smoky.  But sweet?  Yeah, not a big fan of that idea nor am I big fan of today’s beer: Wild Blue.  Now fruit in beer isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just look to Shiner’s Ruby Red Bird or most pumpkins ales and there are good blueberry out there but this one really over does it.  Wild Blue pours well with about a fingers worth of thick purple/white head that gives off a strong nose of sweet fruit and a slight whiff of malt.  The taste is peculiar with an initial taste that is so sweet it brings to mind a slurpee rather than an adult beverage but as quickly as it moves to the back of the tongue does it flavor move to sweet to very dry.  This change is surprising due to the heavy handedness of the sweet blueberry flavor and aroma and such a quick change to an almost champagne like finish does make this beverage just that much more unique and polarizing.  Once quick side note: this is the first beer that has dyed my tongue a color, much like a slurpee does.  I’m sensing a pattern all the sudden and an idea: If you like slurpees, this beer is for you. 

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