Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lazy Magnolia Ginger Jaque:
Hello all, today, lets chat about beer and fancy growlers, shall we?  I am the proud owner of two growlers, and both feature women in supple poses in various costumer and I will add that these two growlers were bought at different times and not for their art work, but their contents (I swear).   Today’s growler (and beer) was bought in the great state of Louisiana, our friendly neighbor to the East and was brewed in Mississippi by Lazy Magnolia.  Ginger Jaque is the second release in Lazy Magnolia’s Brewer’s choice series (the first was an Amber Jaque) and  The beer pours well but has little in the way of head but a decent amount of carbonation.  A strong nose of ginger is expected and delivered with just a touch of rye sourness on the downside of the ginger.  The taste is very strong in ginger with no real sweet taste and a strong under current of rye that adds spice notes to the beer and a strong hoppy aftertaste.  A good beer, brewed as a winter beer, drinking it in summer was just as good and, really, I see no reason why this couldn’t be a year round beer; though fall is traditionally when ginger beers do show up.  I would say this is worth drinking again, though a growler full is a bit excessive, but none the less, I know can venture out to local brewpubs and get growlers of their own libations that are brewed on site in my snazzy black and white.  Huzzah!

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