Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Real Ale Full Moon Pale Rye Ale:
Howdy y’all and welcome to ‘nother review of a Texas beer.  This time, it’s a new brewery and a new beer: Real Ale Full Moon Pale Rye Ale.  Brewed of Blanco, Texas (south of Johnson City and Southwest of Austin) this brewery is another “small town small brewery” model that has produced a bunch of pretty darn good beers and this one is no exception.  The pour is rather “meh” from the bottle, producing a thin water head that dissipated as I took the picture.  The nose is a typical pale ale with strong hops and a bit of malt. The taste of the beer starts like most American Pale Ale but there is a touch of rough sweetness underneath the hops that is a by product of the rye and gives this beer a decided edge in drink-ability.  Another great beer from Real (they made the Phoneixx Double ESB) I am really looking forward to sampling the other beers in their line; their Fireman’s Ale is always a good choice when available on tap.    Give it a try, support your local Texas brewery fellow Texans (and non-Texans alike…if you get the beer in your area).

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