Friday, January 18, 2013

Alaskan Smoked Porter:
Greetings and salutations my good beer drinking friends and welcome back to a review of yet another winter beer from the land of long winters.  Alaskan Brewing is one of those breweries that has been talked up to me by multiple sources but the one beer I’ve had from them thus far failed to impress me so much that I’ve yet to consider writing it up.  Not the highest praise.  So today let’s take another stab at the Alaskan line-up and look at one of their winter beers: Alaskan Smoked Porter.  The beer was poured from a tap as a black coloration with a minimally present head of brown foam, no lacing, and a nose of thick sweet smoky notes.  The beer’s taste is pretty uniform in it’s profile with a strong smoke flavor that is very similar to liquid smoke (in my mind) though it does have that nice mellow booze taste that cuts the smoke taste.  Smoked beers are nothing new to me but they seem to be gaining in popularity in the past year or so but they still vary in their quality and this beer is one of the higher quality ones out there.  If you get a chance to try this beer, I suggest you try it and enjoy what you have in your glass, it’s something to behold I assure you.   

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