Sunday, January 6, 2013

Maui Brewing/Dogfish Head Liquid Breadfruit:
Greetings and welcome friends of the beer craft and today let’s look at a collaboration brew from those awesome folks at Dogfish Head and the up-and-comers at Maui Brewing Company.  Today’s beer is called Liquid Breadfruit, named after the Pacific fruit that, when cooked, apparently tastes and looks like cooked bread on the inside.  Yeah, I’m not that intrigued but hey, it’s got Dogfish’s fingerprints on it and that must count for something, right?  So I figured that the people at DF had a lot of input in this and but after researching their involvement was limited to the idea of making a breadfruit beer and giving Maui Brewing a strain of yeast from that they have developed from a near by peach farm they were otherwise hands off.  Toss in the beer’s namesake fruit and toasted paypa seeds and this makes this beer a CANdidate (ha!) for the most interesting beer ingredients in a while.  The beer pours from a can a cloudy white and yellow with a creamy white foamy head that leaves decent amount of lacing and a nice citrus and cream nose that doesn’t overpower.  The beer’s taste is like most hefes though there is a nice citrus/tropical undertone to the beer that does carry through the sips of beer and it does seem to make this a different wheat beer than you’d expect.  It seems odd that they would release this beer this time of the year seeing how it drinks more like a summer beer than a winter release but whom am I to say?  Anyway, if you like a nice cloudy hefe and want to try something different, give this brew a try, I think you’ll like what you find. 

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