Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Widmer Brrrbon '11:
Hello all and a hearty winter welcome back to the best little beer website any of you have set your eyes on (I hope).  Today let’s do a sort of repeat/sort of new beer with a take on Widmer Brothers’ Brr with the Brrrbon ‘11, which is Brr, given an extra shot of hops and then stored in bourbon barrels for 4 months and, oh yes I almost forgot this key ingredient: it was “aged” for another year in my cabinet and now *drum roll* I get to share it with y’all! Figuratively, that is, don’t get to excited.  So today’s beer pours a nice ruby amber color with a bit of cloudiness with no head to speak of and a nose of hops and subtle floral notes.  The beer’s initial taste is very similar to the normal Brr but with a but more hop bite but then, then my friends, the bourbon kicks in and wow, the game changes.  The rest of the beer’s flavor profile is akin to a hybrid blend of a hoppy beer with bourbon notes that are mainly sweet caramel notes in the aftertaste and a whiskey like viscosity that is noticeable on the tongue.  Not sure what the aging process did to this beer but it certainly didn’t hurt it and just to make sure that this isn’t a fluke, I have grabbed a bottle of Brrrbon ‘12 and will let it mellow for year as well and see if the process repeats itself.  Before we go, a side note, I got to try Brrbon’11 on draft recently and it’s flavor profile was toned down and more carbonated then what I had in the bottle, enjoyable but nothing too spectacular. 

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