Friday, January 11, 2013

Tommyknocker Cocoa Porter:
Howdy folks and welcome back to the fastest growing beer website on this side of the street.  Today friends let us jump back up that great beer brewing state of Colorado and look at a new brewery (to this site, the breweries been there since 1994): Tommyknocker Brewery which is located in the tiny town of Idaho Springs, CO.  This little brewery (which I’ve had a chance to eat at their restaurant) is one that I first noticed long ago because of their cleverly designed labels that featured gnome like miners running around and, sadly, they lost this look for a more modern look that frankly makes their beer blend in with the rest of the beers in the cold case.  So if it blends in with it’s external surroundings, the only way to separate it would be knowing just how good it’s contents are, so let’s look at their Cocoa Porter first.  This seasonal ale pours a nice deep brown color with a dark tan head that leaves some lacing inside the glass and a nose of coffee and dark chocolate.  The beer’s taste is pretty uniform from to back with a dominate flavor that seems to dance between cocoa powder and coffee with a back end that is almost champagne like in the carbonation fizz with a sweet after taste.  A nice mellow winter beer, best drunk cool, not cold like most porters.  If you get a chance to try this before it falls out of seasonal rotation. 

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