North Coast Brewing Le Merle:
Hello one and all and welcome to my best attempt to shed light on the crazy world of beer. Today let’s look at the other artisan beer from the fine brewers at North Coast Brewing, Le Merle (the other artisan beer of their’s, Brother Thelonious ,is a great beer for a great cause). This siason style beer which pours a nice cloudy straw color with a fizzy white head of foam that leaves no lacing and has a nose of sweet fruits and grass notes. The beer’s initial taste is much like a sparkling white wine with very noticeable fine carbonation that seems to carry a strong candied lemon flavor that gradually develops an alcoholic undertone and finishes with a mellow grassy flavor on the back end and adds a dryness- along with the previous flavors - to the aftertaste. This is a great summer beer this light beer is one that would easily please the ladies in the reading audience due to it’s more wine like nature and light flavors. A very good beer in my own opinion but not a beer I could revisit often unless company was around to share in it.
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