Sunday, January 13, 2013

Brooklyn There Will Be Black:
Greetings and salutations fellow beer drinkers and readers of fine literature (what one of y’all is doing here I’ll never know) and welcome back to my attempt to put a little sanity into the wide world of beer.  Today we look once again at a beer from the good people at Brooklyn Brewery and this time, we go fancy and look at a part of their Brewmaster’s Reserve line: There Will Be Black is a Black IPA that again adds to my growing fascination of the dark elixir and it doesn’t hurt that it is very drinkable as well.  The beer, poured from a tap, arrives a nice black color with red hints along the edges of the glass, a nice thick off-white head that leaves tons of lacing in the glass, and a nose of very fresh piney hops and raw malts.  The beer’s initial taste and mid tongue are one in the same with a predominant hop flavor that makes one think they are drinking pine sap- and that’s a good thing, promise- while the back end flavor is a nice mellow malt finish that cuts the usual hop skunk down a few notches but still enough to be noticeable and dry.  A good and tasty IPA though and while it is in the same ballpark as Stone’s Sublimely Self Righteous, it’s confined to the bullpen.  If you run across this, give it a try but Stone is more widely available so choose wisely. 

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