Saturday, January 12, 2013

Shiner FM 966:
Hello friends and fellow beer drinkers and welcome back to the state of the Lone Star!  Yes friends today I stay at home and *ahem* work for you by looking at Shiner’s new Spring Ale FM 966, a farmhouse style ale named after the road the Farm to Market road in Shiner and shows itself to be a good entry level farmhouse ale style beer.  For a quick refresher farmhouse ale can also be called a Saison style beer and harbor traditional brewing methods that were used in winter months that allowed workers to make a beer for the summer months and are generally noted for their high carbonation and spices.  This particular beer pours a nice slight golden haze color with very noticeable carbonation bubbles, a bone-white fizzy head that seems more at home in a champagne flute then a pint glass, no lacing, and a subtle nose of fresh malts and grass notes.  The beer’s initial taste is heavy on the malts with no hint of hops and that familiar “liquid bread” taste which grows on the palate along with the carbonation through the mid tongue while the back end and aftertaste are subtlety spiced and very dry.  To me, this is more of a summer beer than springtime but I’m not in marketing and Shiner already has an awesome summer beer anyway.  My advice, grab a sixer (at least) of this and try a few then sit on them till May or June, whenever the blast furnace decides to hit us this year in Texas and enjoy it then.  Everywhere else, hey grab yourself some, this beer is light, high drinkability, and has a neutral flavor profile that makes this a good food pairing beer.  Till next time folks. 

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